Tuesday, June 15, 2021

12:30 pm

Beyond Compliance

Beyond Compliance

How KYB software can transform your compliance processes into an effective tool for boosting customer engagement

Beyond Compliance:

How KYB software can transform your compliance processes into an effective tool for boosting customer engagement

It’s been a tumultuous couple of years that have demonstrated that if nothing else the unexpected can happen and understanding and mitigating risk is now more important than ever.

What better time, then, to bring together some of the leading thinkers in this area to get under the skin of the short- and long-term challenges of understanding customer profiles and managing risk in a smart, dynamic way.

This webinar will see DueDil assemble a panel of experts to explore how banks, insurers and others can take control of their due diligence processes and go way beyond simple compliance to achieve real time, dynamic and intuitive risk management in a volatile economy.

Attendees will hear from business leaders who have already grasped the nettle of using cutting edge technology to understand not only what risks their customers carry, but also how they can deepen their relationships with customers going forward.

Speakers include:

  • Justin Fitzpatrick, CEO at DueDil
  • Matthew Tataryn, Head of FinCrime at Tide

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